The color magenta, along with shades of pink and red, is prominent in many annual varieties, but you can find pops of color in many perennials, too.
In perennials, magenta is found more as a highlight, stem, or even underlying leaf color.
In this article, we will show you some examples of perennials that would greatly complement your magenta-colored annuals, or that would work on their own to bring a pop of color to your yard or garden.
Echinacea purpurea PowWow Wild Berry (Coneflower)
This perennial flower is a statement piece all on its own, with bright pink petals and an orange center.
Heuchera Coral Bells in Black Pearl
As we mentioned in our Perennials for Annuals article, the ‘Black Pearl’ variety of Heuchera coral bells is a dark black shade, but it has subtle spots of magenta.
Daylily ‘Rock Solid’
This daylily has more than one color to brighten up your Mid-Michigan yard or garden.
Dianthus Magenta
“Magenta” is even in the name of this bright perennial. The colorful flowers can bring cheer to your yard when they bloom.
Both ‘Double Play’ and ‘Double Play Gold’ varieties of spirea have light purple flowers.
Hibiscus ‘All Eyes on Me’
With light pink petals and a bright pink center, there’s a reason all eyes will be on this colorful hibiscus flower. Hibiscus flowers can grow up to 8 inches across and attract pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds.
Several varieties of hydrangeas can be found in shades of pink, purple, or magenta, including ‘City Line Paris,’ ‘Invincibelle Spirit,’ and ‘Fire Light,’ shown above.
Oso Easy Mango Salsa Rose Shrub
If you plan to add a rose shrub to your property, the bright flowers on Oso Easy ‘Mango Salsa’ make this variety a great option.
Sedums such as ‘Midnight Velvet’ or ‘Pure Joy’ come in shades of pink, red, or purple.
‘Biltmore Ballgown’ Flowering Maple
Named after the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina, this maple cultivar has flowers that resemble bells that appear during the summer months.
Michigan has the perfect climate for growing peonies, which tend to bloom in June and July. With many varieties available, you’re sure to find a peony in the shade that you like!
For other perennials that pair well with annuals, check out this article.
Visit the Bay Landscaping Nursery for Colorful Perennials
If you’re looking for bright pinks, reds, or magentas to add to your Michigan property, visit our nursery in Essexville. We have more than 70 acres of plants, trees, shrubs, and more, and can help you decide which plants would work best for your property.
We also have landscape supplies such as mulch and planters (including self-watering planters called AquaPots) for sale to complete your garden transformation. Some items are available in our online shop.